
用孫子兵法道天地將法的將檢驗公司主管與領導 6項ABCDEF


The “Science” of getting things done through people


The art of getting people to do things willingly

A: 主管基本責任 6項 , Basic Responsibilities of a Manager
1.達成組織目標Achieve Organizational Objectives
2.滿足客戶需求Satisfy customers’ requirements
3: 滿足員工需求Satisfy employees’ needs
4: 達成投資者財務目標如股本回報率: ROE.Achieve financial results for investors
5: 投資未來Invest for the future
6: 建立團體價值Create values for the community
B: 管理者的三種技巧 , Three skills of a manager 3項
1: 基層主管概念技能 少、人際技能 中、技術技能 高
2: 中階主管概念技能 中、人際技能 中、技術技能 中
3: 高階主管概念技能 高、人際技能 中、技術技能 少
C: 主管的業績評估頃目 , 12項 管理資源 , Resources
1: 人力Human resources
2: 金錢Money
3: 物料Materials
4: 場地與機台Facilities and equipment
5: 資訊Information
6: 能源與環境設施
管理成果 , Results
7: 客戶滿意度Customer satisfaction
8: 利益Profits
9: 品質Quality
10: 產量Output
11: 生產率Productivity
12: 投資報酬率Growth, ROI
D: 如何有效管理會議是主管一項重要技能7項
1: 週會: 非常重要的會議以幫助下屬追蹤與發展個人計畫Weekly meeting – a very critical discipline to help subordinate develop own plan and tracking
2: 主管會議Staff meeting
3: 營運檢討會議Operational review meeting
4: 問題解決會議Problem-solving meetings
5: 特殊任務導向Special mission-oriented
6: 救火性質Fire fighting
7: 一位好主管不該花超過30%的時間在此種會議,
A good manager should keep this type of meeting less than 30%, otherwise, the organization is ineffective
E: 領道者能力 , Leadership 24項
1: 正直與誠實Integrity and honesty
2: 信任Trust
3: 激勵Motivation
4: 願景Vision
5: 任務Mission
6: 授權Delegation
7: 員工養成Employee development
8: 導師Mentor
9: 關心Caring
10: 僱用與留住人才Hiring and keeping the best
11: 建立團隊Team building
12: 溝通Communication
13: 公平性Fair-minded
14: 寬容Broad-minded
15: 主動積極性Initiatives
16: 判斷Judgment
17: 做出決定Decision making
18: 賞識Recognition
19: 正當指正Proper critique
20: 讚美與鼓勵Appraisal and counseling
21: 敏感度Sensitivity
22: 勇氣Courage
23: 無私Selfless
24: 了解員工需求Maslows hierarchy of needs
A: 滿足生理需求Physiological
B: 滿足安全感Security
C: 追歸X感Belonging
D: 追求自尊Esteem
E: 實現個體的需求Self-actualization
F: 管理這門科學源自於如何管理自己 47項 , Management Starts with How to Manage Yourself Well
1: 自我管理Manage Yourself
2: 時間管理Time management
3: 誠實與道德Integrity and ethics
4: 可靠度與可信性Accountability and credibility
5: 自動自發Self-driven
6: 自律Discipline
7: 溝通技巧Communication skills
8: 決策Decision making
9: 判斷Judgment
10: 傾聽技巧Listening skill
11: 持續學習與發展Continuous learning and, development
12: 目標性Objectivity
13: 邏輯性、理性Logical and non-emotional
14: 協調技巧Negotiation skill
15: 壓力管理Stress management
16: 管理員工Manage people
17: 設定目標Setting goals
18: 工作計畫Planning
19: 預算規劃Budgeting
20: 人事與 招募員工Staffing and recruiting
21: 安排時程Scheduling
22: 評論成果Reviewing results
23: 輔導Coaching
24: 整理Organizing
25: 激勵Motivating
26: 授權Delegating
27: 薪資報酬回饋Compensation
28: 設定業績計畫Setting performance plan
29: 管理工作情況Managing performance
30: 評估與回饋Appraising and feedback
31: 管理難搞Managing difficult people
32: 溝通Communication
33: 進行開會Conducting meeting
34: 人才發展與訓練Developing and training
35: 平等機會Equal opportunity
36: 安全與保密Safety and security
37: 平等機會Equal opportunity
38: 解決人際衝突Resolving people conflicts
39: 設定傳承計畫Establishing succession plan
40: 跨部門協調Interdepartmental coordination
41: 管理流程Management process
42: 設定目標與優先度Set goals and priorities
43: 計畫(策略、每年/季/月/週的預算)Plan
44: 員工僱用Staff and organize
45: 建立制度Establish control
46: 執行Execute
47: 評估與回饋Conduct appraisal and feedback

Yu Jixuan

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